About us

Delivering innovative and value-driven ICT products and services.

Our History

NBC And ASSOCIATES (PTY) LTD was registered in 2012, with the purpose to provide ICT skills training for the community around Pinetown and the greater Durban areas.

NBC is 100% black ownership and Level 1 contributor with 135% procurement recognition.

We recognize that Information and Communications Technology is an important tool in both the society we live in and in the process of teaching and learning. Students use ICT tools to find, explore, analyze, exchange and present information responsibly, creatively, and with discrimination.

Our Vision and Mission

It is our vision and mission to meet and exceed our learners’ expectations by continuously reviewing, updating and improving the knowledge, skills, methods as well as physical, human, and financial resources needed for our education, training and development initiatives.

Become the best skilled IT wiz you always wanted to become

What the Future holds for us

To be a successful global information technology training provider, trusted by its customers for service excellence and caring for its employees, and collaborating with our customers to deliver innovative and value-driven ICT products and services.

We have our own five-year plan where will be the first stop for all up-and-coming businesses to advertise on the most effective and affordable marketing platforms ever seen in the world, which is board gaming. We are setting a new trend of advertising that will stay with a client for a long time and add on TV, Radio, and Newspapers advertising as well.